Rickey Smiley Makes A Mockery Of God & king Stevian Strikes Him & D.L. Hughley

Rickey Smiley Makes A Mockery Of God & king Stevian Strikes Him & D.L. Hughley
That from the same mouth of blessings and cursing it should not be.
But Mr. Smiley continued with his rant about the white man manipulating blacks during slavery. CLICK HERE FOR THE SLAVE STORY!
Many believe this story and although it might be true, we have to give proof besides some story a person whispers in our ear. When man can show a video of a slave or black slaves telling the story then it's hearsay. And the word of God tells SEE SCRIPTURE HERE------->us as a commandment to not bear false witness against our neighbor.
So saying a White, Black, Mexican, Latino did anything means nothing in the eyes of God because evil is evil. When we stop dwelling in the past then we will be free. As the scripture reads Christ is the truth. And also that who the son sets free is free indeed. For Rickey Smiley who claims to be in Christ and God and know them he should know that our past is our past and if we do not forgive then our Father in heaven will not forgive. FULL SCRIPTURE HERE!!