DAMYN Other Side Of The Glass Is Touching While Tori Kelly - Never Alone ft. Kirk Franklin Hits #1 On Billboard Charts
DAMYN Other Side Of The Glass Is Touching While Tori Kelly - Never Alone ft. Kirk Franklin Hits #1 On Billboard Charts
- While Tori Kelly's Gospel Pop song "Never Alone," featuring Kirk Franklin, flies in at No. 2 on Billboard's Hot Gospel Songs chart and No. 18 on Hot Christian Songs. ---->>READ HERE!! DAMYN an amazing recording artist who is based out of Los Angeles. Took an unconventional path to Indie Pop music. In 2009 he went on a vision quest to Madagascar, into the jagged limestone structure known as the Tsingy de Bemaraha. From this experience, he received clarity about the deep importance and power of music, and his specific purpose with it.
Fulfilling this purpose would require an in depth education. That pursuit earned him a Masters of Music in Composition. DAMYN chose to apply the tools thus gained to making music in the world of Indie/Pop.
Having honed his craft and his message over this long period of development, DAMYN is set to finish his debut album, The Dark Corners very soon in 2018.
DAMYN's songs that we have heard are a calming type of music away from the world's norm in the world today. A more relaxing type but very inspirational and soul touching. After speaking with DAMYN we found that his music is definitely something that has purpose and will help anyone who is going through a tough time in their life.
The music today (not including DAMYN'S) is more about commercial success and impressing record labels, you know the one's who push money down the artists' throat along with making the world a worse place.
If we made at least half the music like DAMYN's we would see a large change in the actions of men and women. We would start caring more about ourselves and others.
Let's see what DAMYN has to say about his latest release "Other Side Of The Glass"
- On one level, Other Side of the Glass is an unrequited love song. This dimension of it makes it probably the most personal, and autobiographical, track on my forthcoming album. Then there is the broader theme of isolation in the digital age - a possible sense of connection seeming so close and yet being out of reach. I wrote the lyrics to be general enough to speak to this broader theme. And this too was personal.
The specific experience of unrequited love had such a big impact for me because it was in a broader context, where many factors contributed to a sense of isolation. I think that these are factors which affect most of our lives. It is in this way that the song lyrically fits with the rest of the record.
Across all the album’s tracks I’ll be exploring the aspects of our modern lives that contribute to isolation, nihilism, and our seeming inability to divorce ourselves from unsustainable trajectories. There’ll be some light at the end of the tunnel there too, as the latter portion of the record points toward healing.
Hopefully Other Side of the Glass will make you feel something. And hopefully you’ll continue that emotional journey with the rest of the music I’m releasing in this collection. Thanks for listening.
We have many songs today that claim to be Gospel but many times you don't have to label yourself as a Gospel artist to do or preach the Gospel.
The scriptures tell us to let our light shine. CLICK HERE -----TO READ IT!!
DAMYN's music shined much more than the song by the Gospel artist. It shows that there are great people in this world trying their best to make change but gets no place to shine their light. The song "On The Other Side Of The Glass" deals a lot with isolation and this is the topic today. While many major artist are thinking that they are not isolated they really are because they are tied into something that prevents them from making it into heaven.(POPULARITY & FAME) What I am speaking of is popularity, celebrity and money. READ THE SCRIPTURE HERE ON BEING POPULAR!
God is very straight forward about what we do and how we do things. DAMYN's song screams healing without thumping a bible at the saints, but lets us know quietly and quickly........... accept Immanuel the Christ in God and healing in all areas will take place.
- Please click the above scriptures and study to gain wisdom and knowledge of the truth.