Edgar M. Bronfman Sr Dies at 84,CitySide Music Ministries Starts CD & DVD Sleeve Department Called Salvation

Edgar M. Bronfman Sr. Dies,CitySide Music Ministries,Salvation,1000 Paper CD DVD R CDR Sleeve Window Flap Envelope,100 Pcs DVD CD Paper Sleeve,Ebay



The man who went from a business of liquor, oil and real estate then ran and began the biggest music label in the industry has died....Mr. Edgar M. Bronfman. We will miss his business sense that got a lot of us running our own empires today especially in the music business. His company was one that was attacked by their own government that they were running a monopoly in early 2000. When the music industry dwindled down to only 4 majors they were the first with majority of the music market share.

As like his weath was passed down from his dad, he continued to run the empire and now his son Edgar Bronfman Jr. runs it.  If you were to read in the word of God (Holy Bible) in the book of 2 Chronicles 7 and on......we see how King David passed down the empire to his son Solomon who we all know was rich in wisdom, gold and jewels. Many see themselves in middle class as not being wealthy but if they simply follow how kings live and leave things for their children they would get compensated in exchange for their knowledge and they wouldn't have to depend on the government or a bank loan or even family and doing so mean the government, bank and family will depend on you to help them. But reading you'll know that David started his wealth by depending on God and following His laws as his children King Solomon, his kids and grandkids did and out of all of it we learn to keep God first and your name will be great and a true inheritance will be left for your kids, grand kids and great grand kids.

In other news over the weekend CitySide Ministries Subsidiary ministry (CitySide Music Ministries) secretly started a new media department which is dedicated to supplying two needs. One of winning souls for God's kingdom and two... filling a household/business and music need. The department is called 'Salvation" a real catchy name that many wouldn't expect. Many are used to the name brands Memorex, Maxwell or TDK but this new brand is very, very unique and like scarface said....."You'll never meet a bad guy like this again..I tellyah" .......LOL, but of course it's a ministry in God. You might ask how are they going to win souls with this....well two things...wanna hear it here it goes: If you view their packaging here you see the start of it before ordering on their ebay site ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/111243529170  and http://www.ebay.com/itm/111243035415 The front screams SALVATION but on the inside it contains the Prayer Of Salvation for individuals to recite from their minds and hearts and be saved in Christ Jesus. The head of the ministry told us that there is a big market for CD Sleeves and their tapping into it in a totally different way. Also the ministry's recording label CitySide Records is partnering as well to ensure souls are won by giving away the sleeves for free when CD's are purchased. Many say it's like a Jay Z move when he paired with Samsung to sell 1 million copies of The Magna Carta Holy Grail. The different physical CD's that are being sold at start are these..... The new single by Minister Stevie Tee and his sons "Wrapped In Red", D.J. Stevie Tee's single "Yeezus" & his single "Bow Down" and for those who need 500 to 1000 sleeves will get the full upcoming CD "Wrapped In Red" which includes selected songs from all of the music ministries artist / ministers. Since the RIAA changed it's rules on CD sales CitySide Records/CitySide Music Ministries is one of the first to adapt. Many indie labels are not having their titles land on the Billboard top 200 and Billboards top 25 Gospel Charts but CitySide has changed that and will be the first in this type of innovation to do this while creating a new opportunity to Christian/Gospel artist/labels. 

This is more than a win win situation...it's straight kingdom business and one the leaders of CitySide can leave as an inheritance for their children's children and so on.


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