Illuninati Boko Haram Get’s Killuminati For #BringBackOurGirls Campaign By king Stevian & CitySide Records in Nigeria & Kenya

#bringbackourgirls,illuminati,killuminati,king stevian,cityside records,nigeria,kenya,


Seems there are a lot of still angry parents in numerous countries including king Stevian from the United States who is currently pushing his brand and ministry in Africa's Nigeria & Kenya.

It's been well over 458 days since the girls were kidnapped by the terrorist group Boko Haram and Social Network is trying desperately to make noise to get the kidnapped girls back. But king Stevian is singing to a different tune by speaking out loud on a new FREE song called Lord #BringBackOurGirls. After speaking to many of his comrads in the battle against Satan and the Illuminati king Stevian stated that Obama should have done more to assist the blacks in Nigeria but he calls the countries there partners to the USA? king Stevian says in the song that things have got out of hand and you can feel and hear the anger in his voice throughout the entire song, he even went as far as telling the terrorist that they are FAKE MUSLIMS and right before stating that he had a muslim girl on this Christian song state the rules of Islam that they shouldn't keep the girls education from them.


It's been a while since we heard king Stevian do a 3 verse song and many notice he only do such songs when his emotions are in them like the song "Mortal Man" he recorded for his artist Krystal Klear Da Rapper who he had a short relationship with.

The label just reached as a label together Platinum status in Kenya and focuses on bringing the song Lord #BringBackOurGirls to the same 5 times (5 X's) so that the campaign gets stronger with faith filled people. The song speak much to the Nigerians that they should accept Christ and get close to God in a time like this.

So lets all together pray that God brings these innocent girls home safe. SUPPORT....SUPPORT.....SUPPORT by following king Stevian on Twitter and retweeting the tweets he's sending out daily in support of this #BringOurGirlsBack Campaign and get a petition started to Obama to send troops in that country!


Christian Cartel PR

God Bless!


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