ILOVEMAKONNEN,Tuesday Not Drake, King Stevian Trap Tithe

King Stevian,7 Year Old,Music, CitySide Records,CitySide Music Ministries,

Interview By: Holy Hustle Entertrainment/Christian Cartel PR

King Stevian,7 Year Old Child,CitySide Records,Minister Stevie Tee

First off knowing it's been just 7 years the formerly known Pastor, Prophet & Apostle "Minister Stevie Tee" who now is called "King Stevian" has been in ministry, some may still call him a baby in Christ. But this very aggressive soul winner for Christ has an insight on the future of music and ministry, ebola and more if we follow the lead as the Holy Spirit leads him and his ministry associates along with his following of 700,000. We also interviewed him on his personal life as we wake him out his 10 hour deep sleep 5pm in the afternoon which is so abnormal for the usual person but not for many top pop and rap artist. Hopefully this interview will help him be better at it.

Sunday 5:30pm 2014 at CitySide Studios - Tallahassee,Florida


HH/CC - I noticed you just woke up.

KS - Yes I don't go to sleep until 5am in the morning.

HH/CC - Why is that?

KS - Well you know, us musicians work late, sleep late and plus that's when the Lord gives me much wisdom on the ways we are to draw souls.

HH/CC - How is that going?

KS - It's awesome, this month our online church member/subscribers are up from 300 to 700 members daily worldwide. I think it's because, actually I know because of the killings in Isreal and other countries of our fellow Christians who can't read the word of God in public or they'll be beheaded so they come to our online church to get automatic download notifications via Itunes and Yahoo.

HH/CC - But we looked at your church and you don't post many sermons.

KS - I know, the listeners like hearing the word in the form of music. You got to understand God gives wisdom and His word says he who wins souls is wise so putn' the word in  a song form keeps many alive because if a muslim who kills walks in and see a Christian listening and they snatch it they wouldn't hear preaching but instead music blasting so we minister through music to win the souls and keep them educated. We have a song called Ebola coming out next month from my upcoming Album "Trap Tithe" which explains all about this disease.

HH/CC - Yes. tell me more of that.

KS - Which one?

HH/CC - Both Ebola & Trap Tithe.

KS - Well with Ebola people need to know like Chris Brown stated it's a population control issue, don't wanna give away the song and detail just yet but all I can say is "ILLUMINATI"! Far as my December 7th Album "Trap Tithe" I wanted to do something different starting with the title.

HH/CC - What is the meaning of it?

KS - Well it comes from my brother Christ.

HH/CC - Your Brother? Isn't he the Father?

KS - No he's not, he said in my Father's word that he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven is my brother, is my sister and mother which means he is not the Father, he is as we are once we do the will one as one body with our Father.

HH/CC - I understand because I remember in the bible it says...(as he cut me off)

KS - It's the Word of God not the Bible!

HH/CC - Yes right, but it says that Christ prayed for the disciples asking the Father that they become one with Him (our Father) like Christ was.

KS - And you are right in this saying of my brother the Christ.

HH/CC - So the tithe comes from what?

KS - Trap tithe comes from me reaching out to the hood guys and gals pretty much telling them I know that you doing illegal thangz selling drugs, prostituting and etc. but give God 10% of your daily time to through prayer and reading His word and they'll see a taste of our Father will make them want more because the Christian life is the only and best life.

HH/CC - Like Psalms 34:8 - Taste and see that the Lord is good.

KS - Exactly, I see you read your word hommie!

HH/CC (As I chuckled) , So you think the Ebola is made by the Illuminati?

KS - No thinking, I know, The government is the Illuminati as I said in my song The 20/20 Experience 2 years ago. The same ones who tell the food industry they can use things that kill us and cause cancer knows that will cut the population down under 500,000,000 as stated on the world family wall.

HH/CC - So you think putting this out there will help?

KS - Sure, people will start watching what they eat and start growing their own foods including meats because 1 of the things when you catch Ebola is you have to 1st cut out all meats.

HH/CC - Why is that?

KS - Because of the hormones man injects into it, I saw a YouTube video where the cow had puss running out it's hind leg and they still killed and served it and it's milk, these animals are cloned because of the shortage of food and as God's word tells us there will be killing in the end, wars, shortages of food and it's here, man just trying to cover it up so we won't panic but if they get like me in Christ they will see these things unfolded and unfolding. What we have to do is come together as 1 body and find a way to help one another while spreading this message because in the word of my Father in heaven it tells us to do this what I do.

HH/CC - Why is it not being told?

KS - It is but many are scared of the government and the secret societies but we have to be bold like my brother Paul the Apostle.

HH/CC - Speaking of Apostle, I see you have Apostle and king by your name on Twitter and Facebook, what's up with the change?

KS - Well I've always been an Apostle but wasn't equipped yet with knowledge and boldness to do the job, so now it should be known not in a bragging way but in a way so many who want to know how to run their ministries know what is required and how to carry the duties out God has appointed them.

HH/CC - Hmmm Interesting, So as king Stevian enters what can we expect in the future from you and music?

KS - Well most definetly education on God's word first, then strategics on how to win souls by strategically getting the music and word out there because music sales is down enormously digitally due to this new streaming overriding the downloads.

HH/CC - So what is the strategics?

KS - Well one is bundling products and services in order ro make a sale and win a soul. Earlier this year we launched a media division or department because we don't divide what God gives us to share it belongs to us all as one.

HH/CC - Understood .. Carry on.

KS - The department contains CD Sleeves by SALVATION and newly USB Drives and many has been touched by the music and they come back to praise my Father. We sell through Ebay and directly from our SALVATION Sleeves website. I learned from a rich wise man that you don't go where traffic is not but where it is and jump in the crowd of multi-many and this advice worked and still is.

HH/CC - So your upcoming Album is going to be done that way?

KS - Yes, as it already is. We currently have relaunched the album "God Made" Volume 1 for a January 27th release date and the Pre-Orders are enourmous and exciting to see because many need extra space on their computer and need God's word in the form of music so this is a way they get 2 things at once.

HH/CC - Well one album only takes up 50 to 75 MB of space, I see ya'll have 16GB and 32GB USB Drives.

KS - Yes that's the benefit for getting our releases, it's about getting the word in their hands and ears so their souls are won. We also pray over the packages before we send them out so that way the anointing flow from us to the postal workers then to the one(s) who order the USB Album.

HH/CC - Amazing! I never wouldv'e thought of this. So do you think many will catch on and use this technique?

KS - I pray and hope many will, me and Kingdom BMG have launched these ideas along with the new sites and

HH/CC - I saw that promoted on your Twitter page, tell me more.

KS - Well many seek good distribution and these are the platforms for many to use to get their music and the word of God out there ASAP. We offer all platforms of distribution including the USB Album format, Duplication, SEO and Flyers and ohhhh did I say Soundscan recognition so they will get on the Billboard Charts.

HH/CC - Now I see why you don't sleep.

KS - Well I sleep, not at the time you sleep. But I will get back on track as I am trying now, just keep me in your prayers because the word says in the end many won't sleep at night.

HH/CC - Say Whattttt!

KS - Lol, yeah It talks about in the end many won't sleep at night, Christ said that no man can work at night also Paul stated that too so we supposed to be up during the day and never work at night. It also says many will be working on the Sabbath too which I keep my Sabbath for rest so yeah God got his work cut out for me and many on the night thang but it's close.

HH/CC - Wowww man i learned something new today. Well I appreciate you taking this time for the interview and I already Pre-ordered the God Made USB Album, got to go get the Platinum Edition of "Trap Tithe" today, which I see we get the CD, Platinum metal USB Album and a Platinum/Titanium Bracelet, that is a steal man, the bracelet usually runs anywhere from $60 to $200 depending on where you go for one like that.

KS - Yeah man God gave much wisdom on that, He who wins souls is wise hommie.

HH/CC - For sure. (As he walked me to the door).


Grab King Stevian's Album on Ebay now on Pre-Order today -



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