Transformers 4 Age Of Extinction Compared To Christian Life, D.J. Stevie Tee Transformers 4 Age Of Extinction Song
Transformers 4, 2 NEW Characters & Song Revealed,Age Of Extinction,D.J. Stevie Tee,
The characters are in but one thing there is no Rodomus Prime. For those who do not know who he is...Weeeelllllllllll, He is the Hot Rod or wait a minute his name was Hot Rod before he got the matrix of leadership from Ultra Magnus the one Optimus thought was and had leadership skills.
Now this is a good subject today to speak on for the Christian community. But before we get into it..GO GET THE SONG:
Now in the Christian community there are a lot of church leaders and other ministry leaders who decide that the bishop or the old man or even the young buck in the pews are ready to step up to leadership when they the Pastor are to step down but choose the wrong person.
It makes us think which we should,...... was the Pastor in his right mind?, was he even a good leader? Some may say we all make mistakes but that is a time when we are to make none because the one we choose are and is the one that will carry on that legacy and if the Pastor chooses the wrong person then what else did they choose wrong or even say wrong that wasn't in the word of God.
Now back to the movie for a sec.
In the original Transformers cartoon movie Untra Magnus told Optimus that he wasn't worthy, now this is a great follower because he first recognized himself which all of us must do before moving forward in anything in life especially leadership to lead God's sheep. When Optimus died he dropped the matrix of leadership and not Ultra Magnus grabbed it to save it quickly nooooo but Hot Rod did then he grabbed it, he got a glimpse of what was to come.
Later on he told one of his comrads that he knew the matrix would set them free which in the Christian world Christ is our matrix who we put inside of us.
So Ultra got it from Hot Rod who in respect not out of respect (REMEMBER THIS!) Passed it to him. Unfortunately Ultra got killed by the evil Galvatron and the leadership of matrix was taken from him.
Now Christians does this sound familiar...hmmmmmm What is Satan's job..... TO STEAL..KILL & DESTROY!
And here Galvatron who we will say is Satan did that. So do not take a leadership role if you're not ready!!!
The characters are in but one thing there is no Rodomus Prime. For those who do not know who he is...Weeeelllllllllll, He is the Hot Rod or wait a minute his name was Hot Rod before he got the matrix of leadership from Ultra Magnus the one Optimus thought was and had leadership skills.
Now this is a good subject today to speak on for the Christian community. But before we get into it..GO GET THE SONG:
Now in the Christian community there are a lot of church leaders and other ministry leaders who decide that the bishop or the old man or even the young buck in the pews are ready to step up to leadership when they the Pastor are to step down but choose the wrong person.
It makes us think which we should,...... was the Pastor in his right mind?, was he even a good leader? Some may say we all make mistakes but that is a time when we are to make none because the one we choose are and is the one that will carry on that legacy and if the Pastor chooses the wrong person then what else did they choose wrong or even say wrong that wasn't in the word of God.
Now back to the movie for a sec.
In the original Transformers cartoon movie Untra Magnus told Optimus that he wasn't worthy, now this is a great follower because he first recognized himself which all of us must do before moving forward in anything in life especially leadership to lead God's sheep. When Optimus died he dropped the matrix of leadership and not Ultra Magnus grabbed it to save it quickly nooooo but Hot Rod did then he grabbed it, he got a glimpse of what was to come.
Later on he told one of his comrads that he knew the matrix would set them free which in the Christian world Christ is our matrix who we put inside of us.
So Ultra got it from Hot Rod who in respect not out of respect (REMEMBER THIS!) Passed it to him. Unfortunately Ultra got killed by the evil Galvatron and the leadership of matrix was taken from him.
Now Christians does this sound familiar...hmmmmmm What is Satan's job..... TO STEAL..KILL & DESTROY!
And here Galvatron who we will say is Satan did that. So do not take a leadership role if you're not ready!!!
But after meeting some new friends Ultra Magnus was fixed and came back to life..these new friends of the autobots had more faith then the ones who followed Optimus. Reminds me of the Roman soldier who told Christ to only speak the word and his servant would've been healed which he was...WOOWWWW Some faith!!
Now this is a good subject today to speak on for the Christian community. But before we get into it again...HELLOOOO.....GO GET THE SONG:
Anyway we don't know in the movie the new one this week if this will happen and maybe they saving this. But one thing is for sure that Optimus took a hit right in his chest which blew his back out so after the matrix of leadership is blown out of him there is no leader so folks when your leader loses his leadership inside we should go to help him up and if he don't arise we are to know who is next in line in our own hearts and remember..........
NEVER TAKE THE LEADERSHIP ROLE IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!! And if you see something like Hot Rod did when passing the role down we are to speak up, A closed mouth don't get fed. In ending if you saw the 1986 cartoon movie you'll know that because of Optimus passing the leadership role down to the wrong person..ooops autobot they suffered much but the suffering made them all stronger and even work together in a new way. Hot Rod became Rodomus Prime the new leader after defeating Galvatron which Ultra couldn't do even with the leadership matrix and became a bigger and stronger autobot in heart and size. He also defeated Unitron which was the planet that ate up planets, now when choosing the right leader the world changes and you can not just move a mountain but planet. God chose and now we chose the right one which is Christ Jesus who has saved us all and when you watch the cartoon below in HD YOU WILL SEE HOW Our life is compared to the Transformers.
Now this is a good subject today to speak on for the Christian community. But before we get into it again...HELLOOOO.....GO GET THE SONG:
Anyway we don't know in the movie the new one this week if this will happen and maybe they saving this. But one thing is for sure that Optimus took a hit right in his chest which blew his back out so after the matrix of leadership is blown out of him there is no leader so folks when your leader loses his leadership inside we should go to help him up and if he don't arise we are to know who is next in line in our own hearts and remember..........
NEVER TAKE THE LEADERSHIP ROLE IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!! And if you see something like Hot Rod did when passing the role down we are to speak up, A closed mouth don't get fed. In ending if you saw the 1986 cartoon movie you'll know that because of Optimus passing the leadership role down to the wrong person..ooops autobot they suffered much but the suffering made them all stronger and even work together in a new way. Hot Rod became Rodomus Prime the new leader after defeating Galvatron which Ultra couldn't do even with the leadership matrix and became a bigger and stronger autobot in heart and size. He also defeated Unitron which was the planet that ate up planets, now when choosing the right leader the world changes and you can not just move a mountain but planet. God chose and now we chose the right one which is Christ Jesus who has saved us all and when you watch the cartoon below in HD YOU WILL SEE HOW Our life is compared to the Transformers.