Rick Ross Pulls A Beyonce Claiming Sanctified - CitySide Records Gets War Ready

Rick  Ross,CitySide Records,War Ready,MasterMind,Minister Stevie Tee,

Rick Ross Hires 24-Hour Armed Security After Drive-By Shooting






 by Cityside Records,CitySide Music Ministries

Well Rick Ross has pulled a Beyonce to a certain extent. He released his masterMind CD yesterday unexpectingly.  And as we study the album we find that these rappers including him like making a mockery of Jesus and God and that is blashemy. In the song "Sanctified" which features Kanye West, West says we need a new Jesus. That upset me and will a lot of Christians. But as we pray for them we know faith without works is dead and this is where Christian/Gospel labels like CitySide Records come in.

Minister Stevie Tee at Sea

Artist and Founder of the label Minister Stevie Tee has been on a strong fight after the devil and his army attacking them thru music with the word of God to prevent them from getting to many Christian civilians. After touching over 50 to 75 million music lovers last year alone he's led to up the fire by building a new team. Minister Stevie Tee told sources that the new team will work in two's in and out the recording studio which includes a street team and e-street team. "The internet is being flooded by straight garbage and the ones that claim to be Christian sit and do nothing in action". Minister Stevie Tee stated. He went on to say faith without works is dead and that faith is one part to one has to be open to hear from God on what to do. And we have to agree with him because knowing that Christ had faith he was gonna get to the cross and fulfill his ministry was one thing but having the physical foot soldiers to walk, talk and move with him during the process was the other part for he could get there. The ministry head says he is preparing for war with these spiritual demons so satan angels are converted to Christ and that the music and team he's preparing is war ready as well and taking no shorts. His ministry just rolled out a couple of mixtape songs which can be heard below along with the song "WRAPPED IN RED" https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/wrapped-in-red/id788792290?i=788792291 by his own son's Stevie Tee Jr. & Curtis Michael which lets the enemy know that God ain't playing. He further stated that the marketing plan is in place and that many won't know what hit them when Gd Squad and CitySide rolls out their new releases by the end of March.

All I can say is Praise God!



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