Obama Gets Sued By Senator Rand Paul,Krystal Klear Prepares For War

krystal klear,krystal klear da rapper,obama sued,obama lawsuit,



Well a lot of us know that we are being spied on thru street cams, cell phone conversations, home phones and even on thru the cell phone charger cords, why else would the government require cell phone companies to all switch to one kind of charger.

But were here to speak on Obama being sued by Rand Paul for illegal phone taps. Rand said he is doing this for all the people as stated by CNBC today & Yahoo News:

The Kentucky senator said he and the conservative activist group FreedomWorks filed the suit for themselves and on behalf of "everyone in America that has a phone."

The lawsuit argues that the bulk collection program that's been in existence since 2006 violates the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches. It calls for an end to the program, which was revealed by former National Security Agency analyst Edward Snowden.

It's amazing how the ones who make the laws break the laws like Minister Stevie Tee the Founder of CitySide Records stated in his Facebook message last week:

We just hope that their eyes are opened to see that the constitution was made to protect us now it's being or has been reversed to control us like runaway slaves being punished.
In Krystal Klear News the artist had a brief meeting with CitySide Records to sign her recording contract which is said to be a valuable one. This is good once she signs because Nicki Minaj is coming back with her foul mouth speaking  "Lookin' A-- Ni--a." which if Krystal Klear Da Rapper said would be a clear sin of the music minister. More female Christian rappers are needed to lead the females and kids straight, the vulgar music is causing kids to disrespect their parents now at a more early age which doing so anyway is a sin. If she joins the CitySide Records roster the internet and streets are going to get righteous and holy because this sister is not laying gold bars in the roads/streets but the 16 bars are past platinum..lets say God. Come on Krystal Klear we need you to release your music the world needs you!!


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