Amazon offers Sunday deliveries with US Postal Service, CitySide Ministries Travels 4 Counries

US Postal Service, mail, CitySide Records,Minister Stevie Tee,Cityside Ministries International, Steviesha T. Publishing, Belize, Caymon Islands,Cozumel Mexico, Honduras, communication, futurist, Retail, Consumers, Retail Sales, US: News, Amazon.Com Inc, FedEx Corp, United Parcel Service Inc, business news


(In Belize)

Amazon customers in New York and Los Angeles will be the able to have their packages delivered on a Sunday, the online retailer announced. Seems like amazon is finding a way to add more value to the Prime which they sold for $25 but now is $35.

Wish everyone was thinking of giving more. On a recent travel (November 2013) ministry vacation to Belize, Caymon Islands, Mexico and Honduras Minister Stevie Tee of CitySide Ministries found out the pay and work problems of many countries. He found out that many countries dollar is way less in value to the american dollar making a lot of immigrants anxious to come to the USA but once inthe country they are still treated as they would if they got paid in Indonesia, Phillipines and so on. He was on a boat and spoke with some workers and found that they was getting only $535 per month for 70 hours of work with no days off for spiritual or religous purposes.

Minister Stevie Tee told us that our governement along with the rich have no respect for God's children or Him and that God's commandment clearly states that we shouldn't allow ourselves nor our maid servants to work on the sabbath day. He also said that the word of God says to pay a man his fair wages which these major corporations do not respect at all. He also told us that he saw over 75% of the workers looking tired and worn down from the work which he told sources that CitySide Ministries will shoot their second movie by the beginning of the year

(SEE THEIR 1ST HERE: ) documenting Christianity in those countries and how billion dollar cruise ships pay pennies to the ones that help make their fortunes. One worker said that she was working to support her family back home which got a small back lash from the storm that had just hit the Phillipines but wasn't directly in it. CitySide Ministries however donated funds to some of the ones they spoke with and made a commitment to donate a portion of ministry revenues for the purpose of helping while teaching them of Christ.

Minister Stevie Tee at Sea  Steve In Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands)

The US government and major corporations use the home stay and food as a way to substitute for the pay the workers would get but many say this still isn't right. If this is true then the workers are really getting $2500.00 per month but only $535.00 in cash is what they actually see which Minister Stevie Tee says is still a rip off because they workers can't give their bed which is oversea to their families to eat. He also told us that recently he had a child support case where the government tried tpo apply the same to his salary as a minister saying his salary as a Pastor was quadruple of what he actually got which the attorney didn't actually go by the statutes when it comes to dealing with expenses nor of not crossing the line between state and religion. The constitution is like a promise they were made to be broken and that's why prayer is taken out of school because these government officials, judges and major corporations don't fear God and have no love for Him nor the people who He said love. CitySide Ministries is preparing to campaign against them as we speak now dealing with all of this.

Belize Pyramids (Belize Pyramids)

I pray these people allow God to control them so they will have a place in heaven before Jesus comes and cracks the sky!

Holy Hustle Entertrainment

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