Blood Defense Reality Blog Series Coming Next Friday Similar To Reality TV By Steviesha T. Publishing

Blood Defense, Reality, Blog, Series, Coming, Next, Friday, Reality TV, Well Steviesha T. Publishing burst back on the scene with something totally new for blog readers. Even though it's not books or music it's straight awesome innovation. What we're talking about is a reality series but in blog form giving the episodes post by post. For those that love murder mystery and entertainment like the show Empire and Vinyl this is for them. This reality blog series was to be a book then a television reality series but Steviesha T. Publishing decided to do something different and that was to release it as an eBlog and blog series for the public view. GET THE FIRST PROLOGUE HERE - Many can view it for free every Friday at 8pm eastern time or for paid subsctibers on Amazon Kindle Blog for .99 cents monthly. SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE HERE -