MUST READ! They Told Lies God Spoke through king Stevian
. Government Lied, Mathew 15, 1 Timothy 4, . Mark 7:7 , This is the message received which is true and given by God and can be proven. YOU! LISTEN CLEARLY! You are currently marked by the beast. You call to God in heaven but are not heard because of your disobedience to God. You do the traditions of man and make the ones of God of none effect by doing so. For instance marriage with a license, giving a tithe to God which is not giving at all but giving Him a debt! LOOK AT YOUR MONEY..IT'S A NOTE Definition of is a bill, a debt. You give God 10% of your own debt? Why? Do you not know you work for a debt! Do you now know that the country is in debt more and more because you work and because the false god (the government) prints it making the debt deeper? The word says YOU ARE FREE! Well why do you work for man and not God full time? We walk by faith and not by sight (THE JUST LIVES BY THIS) but you still want to see a check on payday instead of solely waiting on God...