Adele 25 Breaks Nielsen Records While king Stevian Releases SteveCurtis #Clothing #Mixtape Early For #Free
Adele Breaks Nielsen Records While king Stevian Releases SteveCurtis #Clothing #Mixtape Early For #Free 25 , As Adele went almost 3 times platinum in 7 days to breal the most sales in a sales week for Nielsen and Billboard many are using their own methods to sell music or give it away. Adele went platinum in the UK in 1 day with her 25 Album selling 300,000 units. king Stevian and the CitySide Records went platinum in Kenya before even releasing their Album / Mixtape and has decided to give it away before the actual official release date of December 25th but still can be pre-ordered this coming Tuesday on December 1st on all digital download sites including Tidal and Wimp, Iunes, Amazon, and Spotify for those that love to support artist financially. CitySide Records,CitySide Music Ministries has dropped the MixTape on DatPiff the hottest MixTape site in the free music game. (DOWNLOAD IT HERE) The Christian Hip Hop and Gospel/Christian label stuck it's hands in a cloth...