Cop Killed,execution style,mozart,classical music,king stevian,beethoven
mozart beethoven , king stevian , cop killed , execution style , breaking news , Are we in a place now where life doesn't matter anymore? Or is this warning before destruction by the word of God...Judge for yourselves. The Sergent who was fellow to the officer that died said it right stop with the just Bleack Life Matters because all life matters. I don't know the reason why the guy took the officers' life but if it was he was fed up with life he could have waited on Satan to take his because for those that don't know there is life here on earth and in Jesus Christ but note this and never forget this..... There is a death here on earth and a forever lasting death which is pain in hell. We need to think about others befor acting, the kids of that officer did not deserve that and the world certainly didn't. What if that officer did a sin before getting killed like cursing someone out, or going against he has no way to repent because his life was taken...