
Showing posts from September, 2014

Lecrae tops ‘Billboard’ album charts with ‘Anomaly’, While Minister Stevie Tee Officially Changes His Name Enter King Stevian,

Lecrae tops 'Billboard' album charts with 'Anomaly', While Minister Stevie Tee Officially Changes His Name Enter King Stevian , .. Now this is a good and bad thing that Lecrae has hit #1 on Billboard Charts. You wanna know why well here it go: the good is that now the word Christian is before the entire nation and the door is wide open for Christian rappers to follow behind Lecrae, Pettidee and Minister Stevie Tee. But who will step up, well lets wait and see soon. The bad is that Lecrae doesn't represent Christ and God as an image head or reflection of instead what he does is give his testimony of where he used to be and now is with only giving hints that God did it, kinda like he's ashamed to say.. Christ, Christ, God and Christ DID IT, CHRIST DID IT.......Do you get the point. If you go listen to the album it sounds like the world music but only clean. Now on the other hand Minister Stevie Tee's music which can be downloaded for ...

Meghan Trainor – All About That Bass (Remix), She Speaks The Truth about Her Booty Minister Stevie Tee

 Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass (Remix), She Speaks The Truth about Her Booty Minister Stevie Tee , Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass - Instrumental Remix, FREE SONG INSTRUMENTAL DOWNLOAD HERE - Since many think the song is talking about booty and even though the new version takes out the 2 curse words Meghan Trailor said in it, D.J. Stevie Tee (Minister Stevie Tee)  remixes the track Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass. Hear the full remix on YOUTUBE HERE: to hear how Minister Stevie Tee expressed himself like Solomon from the Holy Bible stating that God made a perfect woman and there is no need to change. Talk about taking what the devil do and make it positive WOOOOOOW!   WATCH THE VIDEO FOR IT - WATCH &HEAR IT BELOW (CLICK THE PIC!!) alt="All About That Bass Meghan Trailor,Minister Stevie Tee,City...

Free Music For YouTube Launches By CitySide Records As Garth Brooks Does Similar Move On GhostTunes

  GhostTunes,Garth Brooks Catalog,CitySide Records,YouTube Free Music, Well the music sales are shrinking both physically and digitally and while major labels and distribution companies scramble to make a buck others smaller are being smart about the situation. Just 2 days ago Garth Brooks who vowed not to put his music on any digital site for sale has faithfully bowed out. He will be releasing his music on GhostTunes a new venture music site. As Rolling Stones stated: Brooks has also upheld the promise he made during his comeback press conference in July to offer his complete recordings at a "stupid price." For $29.99, fans can download his eight studio albums and a double live CD/DVD, and preorder his upcoming new album. His alternative-rock alter-ego "Chris Gaines" project , from 1999, is not included in the package. Well while he is about to witness what digital sales won't bring he might be interested in "FREE MUSIC FOR...


Grab your favorite beats , record your own title and Clean lyrics to them then place the song(s) on YouTube to be entered in the $500.00 YOUTUBE SONG Contest. (Artist must forward us a copy of the link so we may view and listen.) Email us at Below is our latest 7 FREE Beat Instrumentals for clean use on YouTube. SET THE ATMOSPHERE - 1. GOD MADE - 2. BOW DOWN - 3. HUNGER GAMES - 4. AGE OF EXTINCTION - 5. HARLEM SHAKE 2014 - 6. NEED YOU NOW - Winner will be announced and contacted on the week of October 6th. God Bless CitySide Records